Putting health workers in control.

Problem & solution

The problem

More than 4 billion people do not have access to essential health services. As a consequence, an estimated 15.8 million preventable deaths occur. Approximately half of those deaths are attributable to suboptimal care. Most of these patients do reach a hospital and affordable and effective treatments are available, but come too late due to shortage of staff, training, and equipment.

The solution

There is an urgent need to identify, prioritize and manage patients effectively in resource constrained environments. To achieve that we developed the IMPALA system together with our partners from Malawi and Rwanda. The IMPALA system helps clinical health workers to analyze patient data more effectively, detect trends in vital signs, and identify patients at high risk. This enables them to provide better care and manage patients more efficiently, without increasing their workload.

Our goal is to improve access to high quality of care for 100 million people, by enabling and empowering 1 million health workers by 2030.

The IMPALA system

This is where we step in! We developed an end-to-end clinical support system for health facilities in low-resource settings: The IMPALA System.


IMPALA Monitor

The IMPALA monitor is a multiparameter vital signs monitor. Designed for low-resource settings and due to its user-friendly design almost anyone can operate it.



The IMPALA App is an Android, tablet-based application that matches workflows, provides real-time data analysis, and supports health workers in clinical decision-making.



The IMPALA server is the brain of the IMPALA system, the server connects the IMPALA monitor with the App via an internal connection, creating an ecosystem for data storage, data sharing, and data analysis.

From reactive to proactive care

Through the IMPALA system, we support hospitals in the transition from reactive to proactive care. Improved data collection & visualization, risk stratification and decision support, lead to oversight, insight, prioritization and timely intervention.


- Notice deterioration during rounds or coincidently
- Risk missing critical situations
- Late reactive intervention


- Notice deterioration as soon as it happens
- Know which patients are more critical
- Proactive care and quick reactive intervention

Actions speak louder than words

Since we started we have achieved the following results:
Hours of admission time saved
Patients received improved care
Health workers put in control


Health workers put in control



Our partners

We are proud of our partners who believe in our goal and join us on our journey.

What people say

A. Bengo

Working as a medical officer in one busy pediatric ward; the IMPALA monitors make my work tremendously easy. I have most of the vital signs for some of the very sick patients readily available from the monitors whenever I come to review patients. The monitors also allow me to check the trends of the vital signs over a certain period of time. This has reduced the amount of time we spend getting vital signs and also has improved the quality of the care we give.
A. Bengo - Malawian Medical Officer

J. Chikwana

I have noticed a decrease of patients that have choked for unknown reasons in the ward. And now with the monitors we have a lot less patients that bounce back and forth between HDU and the general ward after stopping treatment because the monitors help us with de-escalation of care and monitor patients if they keep doing well after stopping treatment.
J. Chikwana - Pediatrician Zomba central hospital, Malawi

M. Katuma

We didn’t have enough monitors in the ward. The coming in of the monitors has really improved in our care for patients. It helps us in fast assessment of children and recognizes early if patients are improving or deteriorating for prompt management.
M. Katuma - Malawian Nursing Officer

T.A. Likumbo

Since the advent of the IMPALA monitoring system in our setting, we have had a lot of timely interventions done on children that were deteriorating. The monitoring system is efficient and time saving on this life saving journey!
T.A. Likumbo- Malawian Nursing Officer

Latest news & projects

Read all about the latest GOAL 3 news and the projects we are working on.

Global impact

Tanzania, Sengerema
In Sengerema Hospital in Tanzania, we have implemented the IMPALA system in the neonatal and pediatric wards in a project including updating equipment in the ward to bring it to the next level.
Malawi, Blantyre & Zomba
In Malawi we are working together with three hospitals, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre, Zomba Central Hospital and St. Lukes hospital in Zomba. In these hospitals we are doing different studies to validate our monitor.
Rwanda, Kigali
GOAL 3 Rwanda Ltd, is based in Kigali, Rwanda. Here we are building a local hub for innovation, sales and services. Via GOAL 3 Rwanda we want to introduce and validate our IMPALA system in Rwanda, build local partnerships, create sales in East-Africa and scale across the continent.
Netherlands, Den Bosch
GOAL 3’s head office is located in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. The office is located in the Grasso building, a hotspot office for start-ups, scale-ups and other companies with a focus on IT and Data. This is where we are working on developing the IMPALA system.

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